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Showing posts from April, 2020

Lighting of lamps and what Islam tells you...

I In order to erase the darkness, Allah created the light, whether the light may be in lightning and fire, or in the shape of moon and the sun. All of them are the creatures of Allah. Without the will of Allah fire can not give light and nor sun and moon can, as if they are not the owner any profit or loss. Therefore, it is not lawful and right for a person to worship them or consider that they (fire, sun and moon) are the owner of any profit or any loss. If anyone does believes this then he is a polytheist. (A person who the  belief in or worship of more than one god.)  When we look at our society and different confessions and beliefs, We find several reasons for lighting lamps and candles, some of which are as follows: 1) Jews lighting the lamps in the joy of Jewish success against the Romans in 160 BC. 2) Christians lighting lamps in the declaration of purity of Mariam(A.S.). 3) Lighting the lamps on Diwali in joy of Ram's victory over Ravan. 4) lighting fire as a thanks

The TRUTH of April Fool

When Christian forces conquered Spain, so much blood was shed on the Spanish land that when the victorious army horses passed through the streets, their legs were submerged in the blood of Muslims to their knees. When the occupying forces believed that now no Muslims have survived in Spain, they gave the arrested Muslim, the opportunity to return to Country with his family from where his ancestors had come. The christian forces left muslims twenty kilometers away from the occupying mountains and then they went back. When Christian forces expelled muslim rulers from their country, government spies roamed the streets looking for a Muslim to be martyred [1] . The Muslims who survived, left their area and went to other areas and put crosses in their throats and named themselves as Christians. Now there was no muslim visible in Spain, but Christians were still convinced that not all Muslims were alive by hiding something and hiding their identities. It was announced all over the countr