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The TRUTH of April Fool

When Christian forces conquered Spain, so much blood was shed on the Spanish land that when the victorious army horses passed through the streets, their legs were submerged in the blood of Muslims to their knees. When the occupying forces believed that now no Muslims have survived in Spain, they gave the arrested Muslim, the opportunity to return to Country with his family from where his ancestors had come. The christian forces left muslims twenty kilometers away from the occupying mountains and then they went back.

When Christian forces expelled muslim rulers from their country, government spies roamed the streets looking for a Muslim to be martyred[1]. The Muslims who survived, left their area and went to other areas and put crosses in their throats and named themselves as Christians. Now there was no muslim visible in Spain, but Christians were still convinced that not all Muslims were alive by hiding something and hiding their identities.

It was announced all over the country that on April 1, all the muslims would come together in the mountain to send them back to their countries where they would like to go. Now that peace had been established in the country and the muslims themselves had no fear of appearing. In march the whole month announcements were being made, tents set up in large plains near Al-Hamara Village . The Ship arrived and anchored at the port, the Muslims were assured that they would not be told anything. When the muslims were convinced that something was going on with us.Then all the muslims started to unite. In this way the government Gathered all of them together and arranging them for the greater good.

It was the day of April 1, five hundred years ago, when all the Muslims boarded the ship, and the Muslims were having trouble leaving their homeland, but were convinced that we would be saved. On the other hand, Christian rulers began celebrating in their palaces. , The generals said goodbye to the muslims and left the ship, there were old, young, women, children and several other patients, when the ship reached the middle of the sea, they were drowned in deep water under the plan. And thus all the Muslims fell asleep in the sea. After that, Spain celebrated how we fooled our enemies.

Then it turned out to be a great day of conquest all over Europe through the borders of Spain, and was named April Foll in English- On this day people are fooled by lying.

1) Martyr: A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.
