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Showing posts from May, 2020

Health benefits of Suhoor

Suhoor is actually considered to be the main meal of Ramadan, as it supplies the bodywith large amounts of energy to help in the fasting.Eating before the fast is very important, as this is away of stocking up on plenty of minerals that willsurely keep your body active and healthy until thetime to break the fast. Not eating Suhoor can lead to many unexpected situations including having a really bad headache thenext day especially due to inadequate food and water in your body. If you have not noticed, skipping Suhoor may lead to a loss of concentration the nextday, which isn't something you want to happen duringwork or while driving. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah,  peace and blessings be upon him, said: The pre-fasting meal is a blessed meal, so do not abandon it even if you take only a sip of water. Verily Allah and his angels send blessings upon those who take the pre-fasting meal. (Source: Musnad Ahmad 11003