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A friend in Deen is a friend indeed.

We are supposed to have good friends who are righteous, those those who have taqwa of Allah, the ones who work to please Allah and remind us of the hereafter.
And not the ones who influence us to become their partner in sin, those who takes satan as their companion, the ones who care only for the dunya and do such deeds which are displeasing Allah.

"Close friends, on the judgement day, will be enemies of each other, except for the righteous" (Quran 43:67)

Imagine, if you were friends with such people who were not righteous and who used to sin a lot and used to make you involve in it, you and your friends will become enemy to one another. You will hate each other for the fact that they were the ones who made you commit sins such as when it was the time for prayer, you used to be with them laughing hard, enjoying in backbiting, being in a cafe or a movie hall and so on.
Sometimes, they take advantage of you and come to you only when they need something from you. And sometimes they also make fun of you, devalue you and say"It's a form of love." like really? Who are you trying to fool? Beware of such friendships, stay way from them. They are not gonna help you in the hereafter, rather they will ruin you hereafter.

Allah says in the Quran, "Tell my servants who have believed to establish prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, before a Day comes in which there will be no exchange, nor any friendship."(Quran 14:31)

On the Day of Judgement, "No friend will ask anything about friend."(Quran 70:10)

Everyone will be worried about themselves. Your friend is not gonna help you especially when he was a "partner in sin" or a friend who neither worshiped Allah nor tried to please Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:"A man is upon the religion of his best friend so let one of you look at whom he befriends." (Tirmidi 2378, sahih by An Nawawi).

Means a person is most likely to be influenced by his friend and follows what his friend does. If his friend indulges in sin and does not care for what it's haram and halal, then you too are most likely to follow his footsteps especially when you are unaware of Islamic rulings.

But if you make righteous friends they would remind you of Allah and would try to bring you closer to Allah.

And you may get surprised to know that on the Day of Judgment when they are saved from Hellfire and they do not see you with them, they they would request Allah to protect your from Hellfire.

And what else do you need rather that Paradise. hence make righteous friends only. 

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